Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I don't intend to be rude, I'm really quite curious. Why do some black men start walking that odd dip and swagger as soon as they see you? I know it's cultural, but since it's not my culture I was wondering what it's supposed to be saying or what it signifies. Personally, I think it looks goofy, but it must mean something more in their culture.

My example: I was walking down the hall, and this workman I see around here frequently, and am passingly friendly with, was walking "normally" the same direction 100 feet ahead of me. Then he had to turn around and come back toward me, and walked normally for a bit, but when he saw it was me dropped into the "funky chicken" walk. We passed each other, and smiled and said hi. What IS that?

Its just a "black thang, you wouldn't understand"

black folks used to have this "swagger" way back in the slave days...only it wasn't swagger, it was due to being tired from slaving all day. same with the sagging used to be that slave owners would degrade their slaves by not allowing them clothing that fit, as to not "fit in" with society.

the younger black generation may indeed be ignorant to this, otherwise, they might not do it.

the janitor's "swagger" you describe, is probably something he'd grown used to during his younger days...that was called "kissing azz".

Got your attention didn't it? It's just a walk supposed to be cool, but not really. It's the same as a body builder, flexing his arms while walking when he sees a girl he's attracted to, or a business man holding his chin up and flipping is toupee hair when he sees an a woman he's attracted to.

I am black, and I never seen anyone walk like that, and I went to all black schools all the way to HS.

Hmm...well I don't walk that way...and I don't really know Maybe I should look into it.

Edit: I agree with Moo.

I don't think it's a black thing, I think some guys think they look cool.

It's called I wanna be a thug gangsta walk from the D!

lol i don't know but that walk is kinda played out now so you just might be living in some corny old fashion town lol

i hate the black walk too or when they try to holler at you in ebonics

I never heard of a "black" walk.

what Moo said

what's with the black talk, violence, etc? it's their traits!

They are common thugs and criminals. RUN girl, they will take your purse

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