Social Science

Monday, July 12, 2010

Why was/is the society male dominated?

Men seemed to dictate terms in every aspect of society...why?

Women were to follow the ideas of was the women who were expected to be hairless...but the fact was that it was the men who required to be groomed since women naturally had very less hairy....but men seemed to be rather proud of the gross ugly hair n wanted women to be clean....huh!!Why??

Now things seem to be changing....women are demanding men to remove hair.....even now women have equal if not more physical height.

But why was society initially male dominated??
Men tend to be more assertive than women and more likely to strive for positions of dominance. That is why all societies have been male dominated.

However, as far as hair goes, men as well as women remove hair, in many societies men shave their faces for instance, and in some they removed all body hair as well.

I don

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